

This is a Babel plugin which adds a straightforward, declarative syntax for adding debug logging to JavaScript applications.



Babel Plugin: Trace

This is a Babel plugin which adds a straightforward, declarative syntax for adding debug logging to JavaScript applications.

Build Status


It's common to insert console.log() statements to help keep track of the internal state of functions when writing tricky pieces of code.

A simplified version looks like this:

// login.js

async function authenticate (username, password) {
  console.log('authenticating user', username);
  const user = await'users').where({username: username});
  if (!user) {
    console.log('no such user');
    return false;
  else if (!user.checkPassword(password)) {
    console.log('invalid password');
    return false;
  else if (!user.isActive) {
    console.log('user is not active');
    return false;
  console.log('logging user', username, 'into the site');
  return true;

During development this is very useful, but it creates a lot of noise in the console, and when development of that particular piece of code is complete, the developer is likely to delete the console.log() calls. If we're lucky, they might leave comments in their place.

But this is a tragedy - that logging information is extremely useful, not only is it helpful when fixing bugs, it's a great assistance for new developers (including yourself, 6 months from now) when getting to know a codebase.

This plugin repurposes JavaScript LabeledStatements to provide a logging / tracing syntax which can be selectively enabled or disabled at the folder, file, or function level at build time.

When disabled in production it incurs no overhead.

The syntax looks like this:

// login.js

async function authenticate (username, password) {
  trace: 'authenticating user', username;
  const user = await'users').where({username: username});
  if (!user) {
    trace: 'no such user';
    return false;
  else if (!user.checkPassword(password)) {
    trace: 'invalid password';
    return false;
  else if (!user.isActive) {
    trace: 'user is not active';
    return false;
  trace: 'logging user', username, 'into the site';
  return true;

This will produce output like:

login:authenticate: authenticating user Bob
login:authenticate:   no such user
login:authenticate: authenticating user Alice
login:authenticate:   invalid password
login:authenticate: authenticating user Alice
login:authenticate: logging user Alice into the site

As well as trace:, you can also use log: and warn:, or specify your own using the aliases plugin option.


Install via npm.

npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-trace

Then, in your babel configuration (usually in your .babelrc file), add "trace" to your list of plugins:

  "plugins": [["trace", {
    "env": {
      "production": {
        "strip": true

The above example configuration will remove all tracing when NODE_ENV=production.

Alternatively, you may wish to disable tracing all of the time, and enable it for certain files or functions only.

To disable tracing all of the time, use this in your .babelrc:

  "plugins": [["trace", {
    "strip": true

Enable by filename

Enable logging for any file with login.js in the path.

TRACE_FILE=login.js babel -d ./lib ./src

Enable logging for any file with db/models or components/login in the path.

TRACE_FILE=db/models,components/login babel -d ./lib ./src

Enable for specific functions

Enable logging for any function called login() or logout().

TRACE_CONTEXT=:login,:logout babel -d ./lib ./src

Enable logging for any function in a class called User.

TRACE_CONTEXT=:User: babel -d ./lib ./src

Enable only specific logging levels

Log only warn statements.

TRACE_LEVEL=warn babel -d ./lib ./src

Log trace and warn statements.

TRACE_LEVEL=trace,warn babel -d ./lib ./src


Published by codemix under a permissive MIT License, see